Medicine Music comes from the heart. It is performed in a state of love to share love.

Medicine Music comes from the heart. It is performed in a state of love to share love. It is a way to reprogram thoughts by repetition of chants, mantras, and sounds that plant a seed of hope, strength, and harmony in the being.

Medicine Music reminds us that WE ARE the Medicine and that by transforming the way we speak, think and behave we can transform our lives. Medicine Music is actively thanking the mother of mothers, our beloved Pachamama, that provides us in abundance everything we need to happily walk this path on earth.

Jesús Hidalgo

Venezuelan Medicine Music Singer, Songwriter, Producer.

Teresa de Jesús

Venezuelan singer/songwriter and dancer. Energy therapist LaHoChi, Womb keeper

What does AHO mean?

It is an exclamation of unity and love with all forms of life: the trees, the plants, the rocks, the rivers, the mountains and valleys, the winds, the sun, the moon, and the stars.

It is a way of affirming something from the heart: that you feel the same or feel about a collective something (a phrase, a feeling, a thought) and can be understood as "So it is and so may it be".

It comes from the phrase "Aho Mitakuye Oyasin" which is a Sioux prayer, from the Lakota tribe, which means to honor the union of the spirit: with oneself, with other people, with nature, and with the creator, creator.
It means: "For all my relationships".

Let's all say AHO!